We're celebrating our 50th episode and two years of podcasting. In this milestone episode, we reflect on what has kept us consistent, our laid-back approach to podcasting, and give a shoutout to you! We also explore how social media affects consumer behavior and share tips for managing digital consumption and mental health.
You'll also hear about our latest projects, including optimizing Redis for better performance in our Rails app and our current work at Discord and Craftwork. Plus, we dive into the world of AI tools for content creation, using them to create engaging short-form videos. Thanks for joining us on this journey!
* Money with Katie - https://moneywithkatie.com/
* Mostly Technical - https://mostlytechnical.com/
* Bootstrapped Web - https://bootstrappedweb.com/
* Syntax - https://syntax.fm/
* APIs You Wont Hate - https://apisyouwonthate.com/
* The Bike Shed - https://bikeshed.thoughtbot.com/